The Liberal Arts Trivium

When you hear the word liberal, what do you think of? I bet if you are like me, you immediately identify this word with a political leaning. But today, I want to reclaim the word for its original meaning and share with you what liberal looks like at The River Academy.

According to the original Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, liberal meant:

  • Of a free heart

  • Generous

  • Not selfish

  • Free

Here at The River Academy, we often refer to our program as a Liberal Arts program, and we can learn a lot about what that means from these original definitions. For centuries, a Liberal Arts education was the “education of the free” (not monetary freedom, but rather an education aimed at producing a free mind). How does a Liberal Arts (or classical) education create freedom of thought? A classical (AKA liberal) education equips students with free minds because they have sufficient tools and training to be independent thinkers and learners. How do we do that here?  

We utilize a time-tested model that leverages the Trivium (the first three out of seven liberal arts) to equip our students. The Trivium has three educational stages: Grammar, Dialectic (Logic), and Rhetoric, which shepherd a student through a course of learning. These stages correlate systematically with our students’ natural development while also building a complete set of skills and tools at each growth stage. But what does this look like in real life at TRA?   

Grammar (K-6):

At the Grammar stage of learning at TRA, students develop a fundamental mastery of all basic subjects. Specifically, reading, writing, grammar (English and Latin), and math.  With proficiency in these subjects, students can take on new and more complex topics because they have this solid foundation. Students do a lot of memorizing (because they love it), reciting, and exploring at this stage. They also engage in a lot of repetition to ensure a solid foundation in the basics.  And just to add some fun, they receive an exciting overview of the entire Bible, all of World History, and an introduction to the wide world of science: all of this in just six hours a day.  

But that is just the beginning...

Dialectic (7-9):

Next, our students embark on the Dialectic journey of our curriculum.  At this stage, students begin to develop more critical thinking skills. The Dialectic phase starts with a formal class in logic, and is reinforced in all the other subjects through discussions, debates, research projects and readings - all aimed at helping students develop independent and critical thinking skills. It just so happens that this stage also corresponds with the students’ natural bent to start arguing (speaking as one who has two students in this stage in my household). Dinners are “fun” in this context as there is always something that merits a debate.  

Finally, students move into the last and most crucial stage: Rhetoric.

Rhetoric (10-12):

The goal of the Rhetoric stage at TRA is students who start bearing the fruit of wisdom and eloquence (read skillful communication). Here, students do an extensive amount of writing and reading, which helps build a full mind and wise heart. Finally, they do a ton of public speaking.  The culmination of this is when our seniors complete their final Thesis presentations. Students research, write and then present (20 minutes) on a relevant topic. I can’t think of a more critical skill in this day and age, when thoughtful, intelligent, and winsome communication has been thrown aside for pithy statements in 40 characters or less.  We need thinking humans who can articulate themselves with grace, truth, and poise.  

Students educated with the Trivium become equipped with the tools (arts) of learning and can think for themselves.  

Praise God for the rebirth of Classical (Liberal) Christian education in our country and specifically in our Valley here at TRA.  

Have a great week,



Portrait of Graduate

Dear TRA Families,

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”  3 John 1:4.  

As a parent, this is by far and away my greatest aspiration for my children.  More than their careers and even more than their spouse.  Are they walking with God?  Are they growing in humble submission to His Word?  That is what we (my wife and I) are after.  

And I bet you feel similarly.  Yes, who our children marry is HUGELY important.  But their faith in Jesus Christ is more important.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the thought of helping your kids grow in their faith? 

If you are like me, this is more than enough to bring you to your knees.  

But if you feel overwhelmed, you are not alone.  We here at TRA are partnering with you toward that all important goal.

Specifically, each day here at TRA we are working to help grow your children into men and women of God.

Take courage knowing that every teacher in this building is working to instill these characteristics (taken from our Portrait of a Graduate) in your children.  

  1. Know, believe, and embrace the Bible and love and follow Jesus Christ.

  2. Possess Christian character that will transform our culture and our world for the Kingdom of God through servant leadership.

  3. Read, write, and speak with depth, clarity, wisdom, and eloquence.

  4. Be lifelong lovers of learning, willing and well-equipped to lead and influence in any area of life in which God places them.  

And as a parent of a senior, I can say that without a doubt the best decision we have made as parents is to have our children educated by these amazing teachers.  Yes, I know I am biased!  But I can honestly say I am thrilled with the fruit I am seeing develop in all my children, but especially my oldest two (Senior and Freshman).  We (Jen and I) are truly humbled by the investment these amazing people have made in our kids.  We could not have come to this place without them.  

Thanks be to God that he uses the Holy Spirit (most important) then us (as broken and fallen parents), plus mentors and teachers, to bring our children to greater places than we ever could have brought them on our own! 

To God be the glory!


Joyful and Relational

TRA Families, 

Let’s talk about JOYFUL and RELATIONAL, the lesser-known values here at TRA. The first two core values, are classical and Christian.

Why Joyful?

So why did we choose joyful? It’s really about who we are and who we want to be: we are God’s people teaching God’s children about God. We are telling them about God’s world, how it works, and about the people God created. These are JOYFUL facts!

“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (I Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Teaching About God Yields Joy

We are teaching about the only One, true and good God, our Creator, who personally and lovingly made our planet and shaped us to rule our beautiful earth with justice and wisdom. When these Truths have soaked into our souls, the fruit is love and joy! So, of course we tell our stories joyfully; they are packed full of God’s goodness, grace, and unfailing love and faithfulness. Our children are God's children and we are teaching them about God and His World, so there is no reason for any lesson to be less than beautiful, well-crafted, and filled with life and joy. We want to honor our students by making every lesson in every subject taught in an engaging and joy-filled manner. 

Our Teachers Are Joyful

We study God’s word and our history to see Him working out His will and plan to redeem the whole Earth! Every subject, not just Bible, but math, science, literature, and history are all wonder-filled, hope-infused, mind-engaging subjects. All of this deliriously amazing material is taught by teachers who are lifelong participants of learning themselves. Our teachers love their students, and thoroughly enjoy their subject material, and are enthused to share this love and enjoyment with their students. Students who are interested in what is taught, are actively engaged in the lessons and who feel loved by their teachers remember the material and enjoy their classes.

Why Relational?

New blog post alert! (3).png

So why did we choose relational? We believe that working and learning in an environment where every person feels seen and understood is key to doing the best job possible. As C.S. Lewis says in The Weight of Glory, “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal.”

Our students and our co-workers are immortal souls, made in the image of God. This is astounding to consider and imperative to remember. And so, we regard our school to be a sacred community. Acknowledging where we have hurt others and asking and offering forgiveness where there has been conflict in our relationships are integral parts of our Christ-following community. We see this play out in our classrooms every single day. Our children are educated with and play alongside the same group of kids for years, so they are forced to learn meaningful conflict resolution and forgiveness. They cannot dispose of these relationships when they get difficult. Our core value of “relational” pushes us toward repentance and forgiveness. It is in these moments of humbling ourselves and working toward restoration and reconciliation that we as Christians are set apart from the world! Without confession, repentance, and forgiveness, we would have to muddle along working and learning in relationships that sustain daily more and more damage, with no way for real reconciliation! 

May it never be so here! Here, with every confession and request of forgiveness, the relationship is made new, in fact, better than new. For with each submitting of ourselves to repentance and reconciliation, we are remade more fit for glory. With every healing, we become stronger than before. Our Christian community is a gift that never stops giving for it shapes one and all for the Kingdom of Heaven as we work and wrestle in these human relationships, practicing grace, and love, and forgiveness, as Christ has modeled for us. 

And so it is with thankful and joyful hearts that we arrive each day.  And I am blessed to work in one of the most beautiful Christian communities I have ever experienced. 

Tonya Griffith

Secondary Principal

“But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23). 

How does Christian education fit in times of uncertainty?

Dear TRA Families,

As you know, our most important core value as a school is that we aim to be thoroughly Christian in all aspects of life and learning here at TRA. I’ve always been deeply moved and passionate about this value as a school. In some ways, it’s been my personal calling since becoming a Christian at the age of 17. But I would say that now, more than ever, this value of giving kids an education marinated in the Christian faith is paramount.

We live in a world riddled with uncertainty. What will happen with the virus? Will a loved one get sick? Will I have a job after October 18th? What will come of the political polarization occuring in our country? When will the supply chain issues resolve? When will life go back to normal? These—and many other questions—have forced us in a place of genuine uncertainty over the last 18 months. And while we had hoped to be past all of this by now, we are suddenly being thrust into a new wave of uncertainties that may be more troubling than the first wave.

How do we move forward amidst all of this uncertainty? That is a question I have been asking myself recently, and every time I begin to fret, I return to one of my favorite Psalms. In Psalm 37, King David has this to tell us:

1  Fret not yourself because of evildoers;
be not envious of wrongdoers! 
2  For they will soon fade like the grass
and wither like the green herb.
3  Trust in the Lord, and do good;
dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. 
4  Delight yourself in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5  Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him, and he will act.
— King David, Psalm 37

I’m compelled by two lines in particular from this Psalm. The first is in verse 3, “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.” We are in this land - and truth be told - we didn’t pick it. We didn’t get to choose these circumstances, yet nevertheless, it is the land (figuratively and literally) that all of us are living in. So what do we do? Trust, do good, befriend faithfulness. Now, that I can do...albeit imperfectly. I can show up and be faithful. I can do my best to do good while living in this land that I did not pick. 

The second comes in verse 5, where David encourages us to “commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and HE will act.” By me showing up, being faithful, and doing good, God WILL act.  The burden isn’t on me. By entrusting myself to HIM in faithful service, I can trust Him to do the heavy lifting on my behalf.  

Why do I write this to you today? First, because I needed the reminder. Second, the heavy heart I’m weighted down with today got me thinking about children. Mine, but yours too. How will they cope with these uncertainties? How will they make sense of a world which has been tipped off its axis? The answer is simple; they will cope and make sense the same way we will: by learning to trust, do good, and befriend faithfulness.

And how will they learn to trust and do good? They will learn in your homes, around your dinner tables, and in their classrooms every hour of every day. As I wandered the halls today, I overheard more than one class reciting a verse from Scripture and I couldn’t help but be filled with thanksgiving. Thank you, God, that my children are growing up in an environment where their teachers are regularly reminding them the value of Scripture, where prayer is a central part of every day learning, and where all things are taught to them with YOU at the center, not removed or on the periphery. What a gift!  

How will our children lead in a world riddled with uncertainty? My prayer is that they will lead with Christian faithfulness, that they will dwell in the land and do good, that they will befriend faithfulness in whatever calling God gives them. And by doing so, He will act. He will use them to accomplish his good purposes.  

Here at TRA, we are aiming to educate the next generation of Christian leaders. We’re so grateful all of you have joined us on this all-important mission! 

Have a blessed week,



Why Choose TRA? Socially prepared- a parent's perspective

The River Academy has helped us prepare our girls for life beyond high school in many ways.  Throughout their time at the school they were mentored and grown in character by the education and relationships they had with their teachers.  They had many opportunities to develop leadership skills throughout their school years.  We have seen this become tangible as they have grown and ventured into activities outside of TRA.  Our daughters have been active in key club as  treasurer and current president as well as being leaders on their club and high school soccer teams. These captain roles were voted on by their soccer peers.   This is something we have heard about and seen from other TRA students in many other sports and activities.  We believe it is a reflection of how TRA trains students to communicate well and be students of character.  The fruit of an education at TRA has also been seen at the college level.  Our oldest daughter has demonstrated a great ability to focus, be diligent and be engaged socially in the school she attends.  She has excelled at service projects, her role as a campus orientation leader, and  on her degree related internship.  Her academic and social involvement resulted in her receiving the University of Idaho Sophomore of the Year Award last year.  We are very proud of her and are very thankful for the role that TRA played in coming along side us to raise and train our girls who we are seeing turn into Christian leaders. 

-Chad & Jolene Hurst, TRA parents

Why Choose TRA? Spiritually prepared-a parent's perspective

It seems not very long ago that I was concerned about how I could ever send our daughter to kindergarten.  She graduated from The River Academy two years ago, and is now in her second year of college.  Even when she was three, I was keenly aware that our daughter was going to walk roads I could not travel with her.  As much as we enjoy being together, the question in my mind was always how could we prepare her for her own adventures.

When Jesus was asked which was the greatest commandment he answered with Deuteronomy 6:4. “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” 

Deuteronomy 6:5-9 are often discussed in a separate conversation from verse 4, but when Moses spoke the words given to him by God, they were connected as one idea. “These words I am commanding you today are to be upon your hearts. And you shall teach them diligently to your children and speak of them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up”. 

What I needed to do was teach her to love God and others.  How we were to do it was by surrounding her with as many daily opportunities to have conversations about loving God and others as we could fit into a day. 

Sending our daughter away from me for a few hours each day, to walk with elementary school teachers who love God and love others was the first step of many.  She needed a community of people who may act or think differently than we do, but still loved the Lord with all their hearts, minds, and souls. I know we all have human children; I was counting on it.  I enrolled her knowing she would face all the same challenges from her peers that could be found in public schools. The difference was that I knew the adults in her life would use every opportunity to discipline rather than punish, and seek to restore relationships through forgiveness.

Reading ideas from other eras and perspectives, then thinking critically about them with the guidance of her secondary teachers was another deliberate step.  The liberal arts and rhetoric classes at River Academy sharpened her ability to read critically, reason logically and speak the truth in love eloquently.  We wanted her to grow in an environment where it is normal to talk with adults about questions, doubts, fears, and see that we can stay in community even when we disagree about an idea. 

Our daughter now sits in classes at a public school university where the professors tell her that people like her, and those who believe like she does (specifically Christians) are what's wrong with the world. She is confronted by ideas from people who truly intend to help others, yet see the world very differently. I can assure you based upon conversations with friends in private faith-based colleges, they too are facing the same worldview challenges.  And no doubt those who chose to go straight into the workforce are confronted with these same conflicting views.

But this is the day we have been preparing for.  Her faith is molting as her understanding of God’s character is challenged by people who know about God, but do not know God. Her identity in Christ is tested by the opinions of those who are not his disciples, yet claim to know what Christians think or do.  

She knows the difference.  And for this we praise God!

Did being taught by teachers who could openly disciple her and teach from a biblical worldview have a lasting impact? Did a classical approach to learning prepare her academically? Was tuition worth the opportunity cost? 

Yes, yes, and yes. 

-by Anna Peyton

Why Choose TRA? Spiritually prepared.

Will my child be spiritually prepared?  This is the question we hope to answer (at least in part) this week through our various communications.  I believe this is the question that drives most parents to The River Academy in the first place.  Said another way, John says:  “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”  (3 John 1:4)  I think all of us as parents would agree - there is no greater joy than to know that our children are walking with the Lord.  The converse is also true, that we have no greater heartbreak when they are not.  And so it is to this end that many of us seek out a Christian education for our children.  We want to do everything in our power to help our children know and love their creator.  

But does it work?  Does a Christian education help students grow up in their faith?  Before I answer that, let me first confess my bias.  I have given most of my adult life to serve in Christian education.  I am a HUGE believer.  But even with this inherent bias, I think I can make a solid case that Christian education is one of the most powerful tools a parent can utilize to help their child grow in their faith.  With this said, I need to note that not all Christian education is equal, so I will be speaking specifically to the Christian education provided by The River Academy, but also to any Christian school which takes the calling seriously.  Now for the proof . . . 

spiritual website.png
“We are so thankful for a school that helps us raise our child to love the Lord and be critical thinkers. Seeing her blossom spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and socially is
wonderful to watch and I know she wouldn’t be where she is in each of these areas without TRA!”
-Current TRA Parent

First, it is working at The River Academy!  Approximately 75% of our graduates end up walking with the Lord upon graduation and on into adult life.  According to one (George Barna) study conducted in 2019, 64% of teens LEAVE the church upon graduation.  I have seen other studies which suggest the number is even higher - upwards of 80% who end up dropping out of the Christian faith into adulthood.  These statistics are staggeringly high and should be sobering for any faithful parent.  And yet, it doesn’t have to be this way.  While I wish our number was closer to 100% of our students walking with the Lord upon graduation, the fact that we are basically flipping the national trend on its head is encouraging to me.  And, it shows the power of the Christian education at work in the hearts and minds of your students.  This is a big deal.  One question you might be asking is how?  How are we bucking this national trend so effectively? I could talk for hours on this, but for brevity’s sake I will mention two things:

  1. Immersion in Biblical instruction every day.  The Apostle Paul says:  “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (II Timothy 3:16-17) We cannot underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit working through the teachers regularly speaking the Word of God into the hearts and minds of our children.  This daily immersion, coupled with a very intentional Bible class schedule aimed at truly equipping our students for “every good work” is a powerful tool toward a lifetime of faithfulness.  

  2. Godly teachers mentoring your child day in and day out.  A study by Lifeway Research recently concluded that adult mentors from church play a critical role in teens staying faithful upon graduation.  While we are not a church, I think the same can be said regarding the mentoring relationships our teachers form with students over the course of their time at TRA.  Time and again, our graduates highlight the relationships they have with their teachers as being formative for their faith.  I do not believe it is a coincidence that we have such a high rate of graduates walking with the Lord and the fact that we have such a relationally motivated teaching staff who pours themselves into their students in ways that shape them for future faithfulness.    

Second, its not just at TRA where this is playing itself out.  A recent study conducted by the University of Notre Dame on the faithfulness of alumni (ages 24-42) from a variety of institutions - including public, private, and classical Christian, found a striking contrast between students who graduated from ACCS schools compared to those who graduated from other institutions.  In short, the study found that students who graduated from classical Christian schools were much more likely to exhibit characteristics of faithfulness to their Christian roots in adulthood when compared with other k-12 alumni.  One example of this is that nearly 90% of classical Christian school graduates regularly attended religious services.  Contrast this with 35% of students who attended public school answering similarly.  I would highly recommend perusing this study.  I think you will be encouraged by the education your children are receiving - in more ways than just the Christian component.       

Third - our parents are seeing fruit in their graduates:  Don’t just take my word for all of this!  Later this week, and then again the week after Mid-Winter break you will see articles from parents who are seeing fruit in their TRA graduates.  This may be the most powerful testimony of all.  And one that speaks to the way in which TRA prepares students spiritually for the road ahead - a road which is becoming more complex by the day, and a road in which faithfulness to our Lord and Savior has never been more critical!     

Have a great week!

Eric DeVries

Head of School

Why Choose TRA? Academically prepared.

We recognize that you have choices when it comes to your child's education and some of those choices are free.  Over the next few weeks, we hope to show a few of the ways investing in your child’s education by placing them here at The River Academy will pay long-range dividends.  

The first question I want to tackle is:  Will my child be academically prepared for life beyond TRA?  While there are many directions I could go in answering this question, I know I need to narrow it down, so to start I am going to tell you what I will NOT be addressing today:

  • Will my child be able to be successful in college?  While this is certainly a valid question, our track record of numerous graduates going on to successful college careers in a variety of universities around the country speaks for itself.  

  • Will my child score in the top tier when it comes to standardized testing as a result of their TRA education?  Our students do score well, but this is not a primary objective of our education here at The River Academy

  • Will my child’s k-12 education prepare them to land a high-level position post-college?  Your crystal ball may work better than mine, but I have stopped shaking it recently in hopes of finding answers to life's pressing questions . . . 

Instead, I want to tackle this question by telling you what I know to be true about how TRA will prepare your students academically.  

First, we are reclaiming the lost art of critical thinking.  Look no further than a quick scan of Facebook to see that logic and critical thinking are a thing of the past.  Gone are the days when newspapers were a place for thoughtful critique and dialogue. Did you know this is how our Constitution was ratified?  Three authors wrote a series of articles published in multiple newspapers across the country in what came to be known The Federalist Papers.  These were countered (in those same news sources) by The Anti Federalist Papers. 

This is a far cry from our current public forum.  And it is what we are seeking to recover here at The River Academy.  Why you ask?  Well, partially because we believe logical and critical thinking to be an essential tool to promote human flourishing.  Without it, one is “tossed to and fro by every wind of teaching” (Ephesians 4:14) that comes along  But also, because we want our graduates well equipped to lead in whatever sphere they find themselves, and we think these critical thinking skills will set them apart from their peers.  

Second, we are reclaiming a generalists education.  What is a generalists education you ask?  Great question.  Did you know that a large portion of the world's greatest leaders over the last 50 years have had a Liberal Arts Education?      A Liberal Arts Education (AKA Classical Education) is aimed at giving students a broad exposure to a wide range of subjects and ideas in order that they be well rounded in their understanding of the world and the ideas which have shaped it.  

At The River Academy, we don’t have some of the specialty electives you might find at other institutions in our valley and we do this on purpose because we believe there is a core body of knowledge our students need to have before they go on to specialize in a particular subject area.  Said another way - we want students who are well-read, and exposed to the great ideas which have shaped our world before they go on to do world-shaping of their own.  This is why our kids read a lot.  Check out this image of two of our students (one 7th and one 12th) next to a sample of the books they will read from seventh through twelfth grade at TRA.  When students graduate from our school, they will be good generalists - experts in many areas - not just a few.

Lastly, we are reclaiming the art of skillful communication.  It has been said that “the pen is mightier than the sword.”    And nowhere has this been more clearly seen than in the timeframe leading up to World War II where Joseph Goebbels nicknamed the “poison dwarf” led one of the most successful propaganda campaigns in history.  This assault which effectively overthrew the German form of balanced government and convinced an entire nation to submit to the leadership of Adolf Hitler was very successful (in a not so good way).  One of his more famous (if not nefariously motivated) quotes was:  “he who controls the medium controls the message and he who controls the message controls the masses.” 

At The River Academy, we agree that the art of communication has tremendous power to shape our future world.  With this in mind, we want our graduates to be well equipped in their ability to communicate - both in writing and in speech.  This is why all of our graduates will complete a 

Thesis paper and presentation each year they are enrolled in our High School program. The crowning moment of this education is the Senior Thesis. For a sample of a recent presentation go here. And while we believe artful skill of communication will equip our graduates to change the world, we take even more delight in the way it equips them to serve their Creator.

Eric DeVries, Head of School

Senior Thesis Presentation Schedule

Welcome to the Class of 2020 Senior Thesis Presentations.

This year we invite you to join us through Zoom to listen to each of the 12 graduating seniors present their thesis. 4 Students will present each night, over a 3-night span.

Below you will find the individual links to each senior zoom presentation. Simply click on it, & it will launch zoom. ** PLEASE NOTE THAT ZOOM HAS AN UPDATE YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO DO BEFORE YOU CAN CONTINUE TO THE SENIOR THESIS PRESENTATION**


5-5:55 pm     JENNA    Actively Living Out Your Faith Before Graduation

6-6:55 pm     NATHAN The Spirit Behind Worship

7-7:55 pm     DYLAN  Spiritual Warfare

8-8:55 pm     KEITH    The Christian Hero Cycle



5-5:55 pm     BREANNA    The Ripple Effect

6-6:55 pm     PETER      Caring About Your Christian Legacy

7-7:55 pm     TYLER         Being A Lifelong Learner

8-8:55 pm     JASMINE     Raising Children With A Self-Discipline Mindset



5-5:55 pm     CADEN    Eating Locally

6-6:55 pm     ETHAN Parallels Between America And The Fall Of Rome

7-7:55 pm     AVERY  The Not-So-Perilous World Of Dungeons And Dragons

8-8:55 pm     JADE     Christian Discourse Pertaining To Politics

Trusting 2020 Update 28

Today my Facebook LIve Video was ALL about reopening in the fall.  I will let you watch it here for more details, but two things I will reiterate here in writing:

1.  We are waiting on guidance from the Department of Health and the State Superintendent before we can release our plans for reopening in the fall.  That guidance is supposed to come to us by mid-June.  

2.  At TRA we are vigorously planning on ways we can maximize in person instruction for our students.  If there is one thing we have learned this Spring it is that there is NO replacement for in-person instruction.  We plan to give our students as much of this as we are able to do within the guidelines.  

I give a bit more info in my life for those who wish to tune in.  Eva has important information below...

Have a great evening!  


Hello! Here are your weekly important dates/details:

  • Elementary drop off/pick up on Friday, May 29 from 7:30-3pm will be in the upstairs hallway. It is supposed to be in the mid 90's...too hot for our admin to stand in all day. If you would rather not come in the building, we are happy to drop your things off and pick up work for next week. Just give us a honk and we'll come out. 

  • FINAL TEXTBOOK return will be on Thursday, June 4 from 8-12pm only. The school will be locked on Friday, June 5. 

  • Secondary parents, please bring your student to the school either this Friday, May 29 or Thursday, June 4 to clean out their locker. Thank you!

  • We will have the lost and found available on Friday again. We still have lots of items.

  • If you would like to order a yearbook, please reply to this email and I'll get you on the list. Approximate fee is $35 and will be charged to your FACTS account.

  • Our seniors start presenting their thesis on Monday, June 1. Please be in prayer for them. Thesis times are June 1-3, 5-9pm. We are planning to have these available via zoom so you can watch, if you'd like. We will be emailing a thesis schedule with topics soon. 

  • Graduation is Friday, June 5 at 7pm. Plans are underway to make it available to watch live. We will keep you updated. 

Have a wonderful week. As always, we miss seeing you all!


Trusting 2020 Update 27

Today in my Facebook live I announced an exciting opportunity for all our school families.  As you may know, we are part of the ACCS (Association of Classical Christian Schools) and this year they are making the entire content of their annual convention FREE to any family associated with an ACCS school - that means all of you can attend virtually for free.  

Christian thought leaders like Albert Mohler and Rosaria Butterfield will be giving talks.  It should be well worth the price (as my dad always says - you can't beat free).  

Here are your instructions:

Click here to sign up.

  • Select 1 in the drop down menu of the top option [RTR Online, Individual Complimentary w/ Discount Code (ACCS Member School)] (the '1' may not show up...that's ok, it will register you)

  • Enter your email address on the right

  • Continue

  • This will take you to a new screen asking to create an account to register you for the registration website (EventInterface)

  • Enter your name and create a password

  • Click sign up

  • You will then be taken to the Conference Registration page

  • Enter your name, email and scroll down close to the bottom and select 'The River Academy'

  • You'll see the price as $150, scroll to the bottom and in ADD DISCOUNT CODE, enter RTRforFree

  • Click apply discount code

  • Ok

  • Click confirm registration

  • You should now be registered! You will receive a confirmation email. 

YOU MUST REGISTER BY FRIDAY, May 22! So sorry for the late notice. This conference is always amazing and we are excited to be able to share it with our staff and parents for FREE this year!

Blessings to you all,


Trusting 2020 Update 26

Two updates for you today:

1.  We have finalized the date for graduation.  I will be June 5, 2020 at 7pm.  More details will be coming soon.  We will be using the guidance put out by Chelan/Douglas Health Department for graduations.  Space will be limited, but we are working on a way to allow anyone who wants to participate digitally to do so.  

2.  End of school details.  We are mapping out our plans for end of school year activities like cleaning out lockers/desks, etc.  We will finalize these details this week and get them to you ASAP.  

To view my encouragement on FB Live - here you go . . . See below for important details from Eva...

Have a great week,


Hello! Here are some important dates and information 

  • No school on Monday, May 25. (Memorial Day)

  • Senior thesis presentations will be held June 1-3, 5-9pm. These will be via zoom for the public. More information to follow.

  • Graduation will be held on Friday, June 5 at 7pm for a drive-in graduation with limited parking. More details to follow.

  • The lost and found will be rolled out into the parking lot for the next few Fridays so please come take a look for anything you may be missing. ;)

  • Secondary families: the school will be open on Fridays the next few weeks for your secondary student to come clean out their locker. We will be restricting students one at a time in the school. The school will also be open on Thursday, June 4. 7:30-3pm. 

Tell your kids hi from Mrs. O!

Trusting 2020 Update 25

e had a great day today at the Elementary/Secondary drop off/pick up.  So good to see faces again.  This is becoming a HIGHLIGHT of my week each week.  It is amazing what happens when you can't see people, and then on one day of the week you can - even if from a distance.  I find myself really soaking in the interactions on these days!

Three Updates for Today:

1.  The health department is asking folks to spread the word.  They will be conducting a live zoom meeting next Monday (5/18) at 3pm.  They want to hear from the community regarding how COVID has impacted them and their families.  Join me and likely many others to help them get a better pulse in what is happening around our valley.  Here is a link to the site and also the zoom meeting.

2.  Canned Food - Way to go, TRA families.  We sent off a HUGE amount of food to Serve Wenatchee.  Thank you for giving!  

3.  Next year:  Many of you asked me today - what about next year?  What is going to happen with school?  While no one currently knows and all are waiting to hear guidance from the State Superintendent, we are actively planning for next year.  Thankfully we are members of several independent school resources that have been super helpful in helping us plan.  One thing I can assure you of, is that based upon everything we are hearing from all of you, our chief goal is to maximize in-person education.  Please join us in praying for guidance as we do so!

And if you are interested in hearing my live - here you go . . .

Have a great weekend,


Trusting 2020 Update 24

We have been busy this week planning a few of the year end events like graduation and house banquet. While we recognize that none of these events will have the same value, excitement and relational/cultural building experiences as they would if we were in person, we are hoping that we can do something that is honoring and uplifting to everyone.

To hear more about this and also to hear my encouragement for the day tune in to my Facebook live video here.

Have a great evening,


Trusting 2020 Update 23

The subject of today's facebook live is all about next year.  While I don't want to spoil the video for you, one thing I can hint at is that I do not give you a detailed plan as to what next year will look like.  I know . . . sorry to disappoint.  However, we are working on it and are keeping in regular communication with the State Superintendent so we will be ready for whatever comes our way next year.  

Here is a link to the video if you want to tune in.

Have a great week!  


Trusting 2020 Update 22

We have finished another week of distance learning!  Hoping you had a good week with your children and family.  

Today in my facebook live I announced new grading guidelines for the remainder of this school year.  See more specifics below:

Several of you have been asking about grading for the third term and how TRA plans to handle this for our students.  We have been wrestling with this question for several weeks as an administrative/teaching team and have come up with a plan that we believe fits with the “spirit” of TRA, gives honor to the awesome work being done by our students (and parents if we are honest), but also corresponds with the guidance given by the State Superintendent to other schools around our state.  

You may be aware that the State Superintendent has issued guidance regarding how schools are to grade during these unprecedented times.  The guidelines issued offer each district flexibility with regard to how they will apply these guidelines and while these guidelines do not apply to us as a private school, we felt it prudent to have our grading procedures at least fit within the framework given to public schools so as to not put our students at a disadvantage.  The two most notable guidelines that informed our decision making were:


  1. No student will “fail” during this timeframe.

  2. No student should see their GPA drop during this timeframe especially if they are in high school.  

What follows is TRA’s plan to honor all the hard work being done by our teachers, students and parents, but also to fit within the basic guidance given to other schools in our area.

Elementary Grading for Third Quarter:

Kinder Prep

Weekly work will continue to be provided.

Mrs. Hurst will be providing a summary statement for each student as she always does at the end of the school year.

Grades K-3

  • Teachers will continue grading completed student work and provide feedback on assignments, but grades are not required to be entered into RenWeb.

  • All students will receive either an E (Excellent) or an S (Satisfactory) in their core subjects on their report card.  The E/S notation will be based upon students completion and comprehension of all required work.

  • Optional assignments will be clearly marked on the weekly HAS and, if turned in, will be reviewed by the teacher, but not used at the end of term grade assessment.

  • Art, Music, and P.E. will not receive a grade for the third quarter. 

Grades 4-6

  • All assignments not designated as optional will be graded and entered into RenWeb.

  • Optional assignments will receive teacher feedback, but grades for optional assignments will not be entered into RenWeb.

  • All students will receive A, B, or C in their core subjects on their report card. 

  • No students will receive an F or I for term 3.

  • Latin, Art, Music, and P.E. will not receive a grade for the third quarter.  Year end grades for these subjects will be an average of term 1 and term 2.

  • Teachers will clearly mark any assignment that is considered optional. 

Secondary Grading for Third Quarter 

  • All students will receive a grade of A-C similar to what we normally do at TRA.

  • No F’s will be given to any secondary student.

  • For students who do not complete an adequate amount of work for any given class, they will receive an 'I' (for incomplete) and will be given until September 1 to complete the remainder of their school work.  At that time they will be assigned a letter grade of A-C.

  • If they do not complete the required work prior to September 1, their 'I' will turn into an F.

  • If a student who previously had a grade of A or B, but due to the difficulties of distance learning finds their grade average from term 3 drops by more than 5% in comparison to their term 1 and term 2 averages, we will communicate with parents and teachers to determine a plan of action.  Our intent is that no student's GPA should suffer as a result of the difficulties associated with distance learning.  With this said, if the grade drop is determined to be caused by lack of effort on the student's part, they may receive a lower grade.   

It is so nice to see many of you on Fridays at drop off/pick up. Have a wonderful weekend. Get out and enjoy some sunshine! We are praying for you all.


Trusting 2020 Update 21

This week is teacher appreciation week.  You have been so honoring to our teachers in the past.  While many of the ways you have honored them in previous years are not available to us as options these days, one is - words of encouragement.  If you think of it this week, drop your teacher a note in your return packet.  Or shoot them an email telling them you appreciate them.  I couldn't be more proud of our teachers.  They have risen to this unprecedented occasion!  

And if you want to hear why the Lord is laughing - tune into my live today.  

Have a great night!  


Trusting 2020 Update 20

It was so nice to see so many of you today at school during drop off/pick up. Man, I miss your kids and seeing you all! 

Just a reminder to send a picture to of your Apple Blossom Couch Parade by May 2. I can't wait to see what you all come up with!

Here is Eric's live video from yesterday. He explains why he didn't do one on Wednesday. You'll want to hear this one. ;)

Here is his video from this afternoon. He wanted me to let you know that's 2 points for Wilberforce! Go Wilberforce!

May the Lord bless and keep you! We are praying for you all. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Trusting 2020 Update 19

Happy Monday! Here are a few practical details for your week ahead:

  • Since we cannot do a real Apple Blossom Parade, we are providing you with the opportunity to exercise your creative juices by doing a couch parade instead.  Information on the contest is here. We can't wait to see what you all come up with!

  • If your elementary student is participating in the Silverwood Read 2 Ride program, forms are due to school by Friday, May 1 at our drop off/pick up time. Tickets will be emailed to you which you can print off at home.

  • If you have something you would like the staff to be praying for, please send requests to We would be honored to pray for you!

  • Our Senior profiles are posted on our Facebook page each Tuesday and Thursday at 3pm.  Be sure to check them out! We're super proud of our 12 seniors!

  • Elementary drop off/pick will happen again this Friday from 7:30-3pm.

And for a word from Psalm 80, watch my live here.

Have a great week!  


1st EVER Apple Blossom Couch Parade

You are invited to TRA’s 1st EVER Apple Blossom Couch Parade.

You read that right! We are missing our beloved Apple Blossom festivities so... let’s turn our living room couches into parade floats! Get creative and hand make some decorations, re-use decorations you already have, or hit up the Dollar Tree! Just use your imagination with the theme: Bloomin’ Fun in 101! (it’s the 101st year celebrating the apple blossom festival)

We want to see your couch transformed into a work of art. Do as much or as little, just HAVE FUN!!!

Any decorations to fit the theme, Bloomin’ Fun in 101! & TRA of course!
Yes, people & pets are welcome on your float.
Please snap a picture & send it to

The deadline is midnight May 2 to have your picture added to the video parade! The "official" parade video will be posted on Sunday, May 3.
(By submitting a picture, you give us permission to use for marketing purposes.)

Show us your creative side TRA family!!!

Couch parade fb (2).jpg