Alumni — The River Academy

Portrait of a Graduate

Our goal is to graduate students who love the Lord their God with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength. Our desire is for them to be thoroughly equipped for the world they will encounter and prepared to sow seeds of faithfulness for generations to come through Christ-like leadership in their homes, neighborhoods, churches, schools, businesses and communities. 


  1. Graduates will know, love and embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and be well equipped to live out that Gospel by faithfully using the gifts they have been given to serve and minister to the world

  2. Graduates will possess a love for God’s Word as well as a thorough understanding of His Word so they are equipped to view every area of life and learning in light of the Scriptures

  3. Graduates will possess solid Christian character learned in a community context where character formation is part of daily life and students learn to lovingly navigate communal life together in a Christ-like fashion 

  4. Graduates will be well equipped academically, enabling them to pursue future endeavors with proficiency and confidence

  5. Graduates will love learning and will be inspired to a life-long pursuit of learning

  6. Graduates will be equipped to lead sacrificially not because they are all naturally gifted, but because they are image bearers of the most High God and thus will be influencers in whatever arena God chooses to place them.

  7. Graduates will transform our culture by making art, stories, homes, churches, organizations, businesses, and communities that embody the true, the beautiful, and the good.

86% of Our Graduates Go on to Higher Education

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