Dear TRA Families,
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4.
As a parent, this is by far and away my greatest aspiration for my children. More than their careers and even more than their spouse. Are they walking with God? Are they growing in humble submission to His Word? That is what we (my wife and I) are after.
And I bet you feel similarly. Yes, who our children marry is HUGELY important. But their faith in Jesus Christ is more important.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the thought of helping your kids grow in their faith?
If you are like me, this is more than enough to bring you to your knees.
But if you feel overwhelmed, you are not alone. We here at TRA are partnering with you toward that all important goal.
Specifically, each day here at TRA we are working to help grow your children into men and women of God.
Take courage knowing that every teacher in this building is working to instill these characteristics (taken from our Portrait of a Graduate) in your children.
Know, believe, and embrace the Bible and love and follow Jesus Christ.
Possess Christian character that will transform our culture and our world for the Kingdom of God through servant leadership.
Read, write, and speak with depth, clarity, wisdom, and eloquence.
Be lifelong lovers of learning, willing and well-equipped to lead and influence in any area of life in which God places them.
And as a parent of a senior, I can say that without a doubt the best decision we have made as parents is to have our children educated by these amazing teachers. Yes, I know I am biased! But I can honestly say I am thrilled with the fruit I am seeing develop in all my children, but especially my oldest two (Senior and Freshman). We (Jen and I) are truly humbled by the investment these amazing people have made in our kids. We could not have come to this place without them.
Thanks be to God that he uses the Holy Spirit (most important) then us (as broken and fallen parents), plus mentors and teachers, to bring our children to greater places than we ever could have brought them on our own!
To God be the glory!