Partnering with Parents: TRA is Not a Drop-off School.

The River Academy mission states we exist to “partner with parents,” which is fundamental to the identity of our school. What does that even mean?  Well, it means we love to serve families who share our mission and want the kind of education we provide. The given goal we are all working toward is “educating their children to become the next generation of Christian leaders.”  We need like-minded families to enroll their children here and also to join with us and be part of what we are doing here.

TRA was founded on the belief that the family unit is the most important and fundamental community for children. The family is the only institution ordained by God to bring forth and raise up children. Deuteronomy 6: 4-7 calls God’s people to:

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” 

We take that command seriously.  We want our students to learn and practice loving God with all their heart, soul, and strength. Students who will become “faithful, wise and joyful Christian leaders” also need to learn the skills and tools for lifelong learning and leading wherever they go. They need to be eloquent speakers. Peter calls all of us to “always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect (ESV, 1 Peter 3:15b).” For our parents who desire their children to have the skills to respectfully share what they know and believe, we share the same goal of imparting the skills to do just that to our students.  

School was never meant to over take the place of parents. The best guidance, modeling, and instruction is done by intentional parents who are teaching and training their children as mentioned in the Shema, “when you sit at home, walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”  Teachers refer students to inquire of their own parents regularly. Even in secondary school classes when controversial topics are covered, students are told to talk to their families and ask their pastor.  

During the school day, parents should feel comfortable to pass their leading and teaching hat to the school (referred to as in loco parentis in classical speak). However, we enjoy, encourage, and need parents who want to help us in this daunting mission; it is critical. Parents who make time to be in the classroom or on the recess field now and then are best able to see the beauty of Christian and classical education in action. The amazing things we can accomplish here are only possible because of families who partner with us in the same goals for the students and in sharing the work (and play) that it takes to reach those goals. 

We are so thankful for each and every family who chooses to partner with us in our endeavor to educate Christian leaders, but there are even further opportunities to join us. Some parents extend their partnership with us by weekly assisting elementary teachers with reading stations, or overseeing recess. Some help out on Fridays with the secondary students during House time. Some grandparents have partnered with us by raking leaves or pulling weeds to help us keep this place looking fresh. Many of you pitch in with our events such as Reformation Day to ensure these beloved traditions continue. Recently, a family noticed an area of need for a less muddy place for elementary students to wait at the end of day pick-up and contributed the lovely and clean concrete at the elementary doors. Another partnered with all of us in a very helpful way by donating a top of the line new snowblower to help keep the sidewalks clear this winter. Dozens of you have purchased books to ensure our elementary classroom libraries are full of intentional, classical selections for our children to read. Thank you for seeing a need and filling a need.

We only succeed in educating Christian leaders with the help of God and the partnership of aligned families whose children, kindness, creativity, and generosity bless our TRA community. We continue to seek ways to constructively involve parents, grandparents, and other family members in the day to day activities of school as well as special events. Thank you for your continued partnership and for trusting us with your children.