Q - Why do we celebrate Reformation Day?
A - 500 years ago on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed a list of ninety-five theses to the castle church door in Wittenberg, Germany, in hopes of garnering a scholarly debate regarding the current practices of the church. We celebrate the glorious return to the Truths of Scripture that Martin Luther and the countless other men and women fought, suffered, and died to reinstate.
Q - Do we celebrate Reformation Day instead of Halloween?
A - TRA celebrates Reformation Day on the Friday closest to October 31st. Luther’s chose this date strategically; he knew a massive number of people would see his topics the following morning when the church celebrated All Saints Day on November 1st. TRA does not consider Reformation Day a replacement for Halloween but, rather, its own holiday worthy of our celebration for the changes Martin Luther prompted 500 years ago.
Costumes and hallway decoration examples from our Literary Characters theme for Reformation Day 2022.
Q - How do the themes of Reformation Day work?
A - We have 4 rotating themes: Biblical, Narnia, European Reformation (or a particular country's reformation), Literary Characters (choose a specific book or allow students to choose a general literary favorite character).
Q - Can you give me some examples of costumes for each theme?
A - Typical garb includes any outfits that fit within the theme’s historical time frame. Often students like to dress as inanimate or more abstract objects that reflect each theme (for this year’s Bible theme for example, being Noah’s ark or the burning bush or the fruits of the Spirit).
Q - What costumes/accessories are not allowed?
A - We encourage costume creativity, but we do not dress up as anything that may be irreverent, scary, or upsetting to a young child. Specifically, we don’t dress up as Jesus, God, Satan, any demon, superheroes, or current day characters.
Q - Can costumes include fake weapons?
A - Masks and costume weapons may be worn only during costume contest/parade and must be stored in a backpack or bag in the hall otherwise. "Weapons" must be foam or plastic. No metal or wood weapons are permitted. Any costume accessory that is distracting or misused will be kept in Mrs. G's office until the end of the school day.
Q - Can my student partner with friends for a group costume?
A - Yes! We’ve seen some very creative group costumes over the years. Partner up and get creative! Just make sure it is appropriate to the theme and respectful of the guidelines.
Q - What if my student doesn’t want to dress up?
A - That is okay! If they choose not to dress up, they may wear their regular uniform.They are more than welcome to join the fun and games of the day’s activities and feast with us without a costume. It’s not a requirement, it’s just a wonderful opportunity to celebrate in a creative way.
Q - Are students allowed to dress up in their Halloween costumes for Reformation Day?
A - As a general rule, no. However, if the student had planned to dress up as a character that matches our theme for the year, Yes! A few examples would be a knight during a year that our theme is the Reformation, 1517, or the theme is Literature, and they want to be a knight from The Knight's Tale.
Q - Are students allowed to wear their Halloween costumes on Halloween day (if it falls on a school day)?
A - No costumes on Halloween; regular uniforms, please.
Q - What kind of activities do the students get to experience?
A- Students rotate through themed games and activities, a pie baking contest, a costume parade, a traditional feast, and lots of friendly competition!
Q - What is a rough outline of the day?
A - The morning begins with hallway judging for the secondary students, classroom costume judging for the elementary students, followed by a school-wide costume parade, games and activities, a feast for lunch, and ending with more games and activities. At the end, we celebrate the best costumes with an awards ceremony!
Q - Do I still pack lunch for my student?
A - We provide a traditional feast for all students, faculty, and volunteers involved in the day’s activities. Typically, the menu is roasted chicken, baked potatoes, roasted carrots, rolls with butter, a drink, and PIE!
Q - Who does all the hall decorations?
A - As one of the beloved House activities, our secondary students come together and decorate the downstairs halls. Hall decorating is one of the activities that we consider a "right of passage" which younger students may look forward to doing when they enter secondary and are placed in a House..
Q - How can I help with Reformation Day?
A - We always need helpers to prepare and serve the feast on the day of Reformation Day. Please email Mrs. Lane at yvonne.lane@thervieracademy.org to kindly volunteer your time. Thank you!
Q - If I volunteer, should I dress up as well?
A - You don’t need to dress up to be a volunteer, but you’re welcome to join the fun with a theme appropriate costume!
If you’re curious to know more about Reformation Day and what it means to TRA as a tradition, you can read last year’s blog about it HERE.
Some literary characters from Reformation Day 2022.