Tuition Assistance

Tuition assistance enables The River Academy to enroll mission-fit students who would not otherwise have access to an independent school education because of financial constraints. We use a third party organization to evaluate individual family needs. The third party takes into consideration:

  • Family Income

  • Number of students

  • Reasonable living expenses

You will also have an opportunity to tell us about special circumstances that might factor in the final decision. Generally, awards will not exceed 50% of tuition. The third party charges a $40 application fee and the process is simple and confidential. Financial aid is awarded on an annual basis and must be re-applied for each year.  

  • Current families must submit the tuition assistance application by January 31st.  Tuition assistance is awarded on an annual basis and must be re-applied for each year.  

  • New families interested in applying for tuition assistance must submit the tuition assistance application at the same time as the admission application.  (The admission application and the tuition assistance application are two separate applications.) Any award will be communicated at the time of acceptance to The River Academy. All financial arrangements must be agreed upon before admission is considered final.


Deciding on

Tuition Assistance?

Watch this video of a River Academy family’s experience.